"A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.” -Unknown
November is National Gratitude Month
Increasing the amount of gratitude in our daily lives is a wonderful way to improve mental and physical health, job satisfaction, and overall happiness. National Gratitude Month reminds us that kindness can be one of the most powerful tools out there for building social bonds and achieving success, with incredible statistics to back it up.
10 Amazing Gratitude Statistics
Practicing gratitude at work and home benefits those around you and is a “gateway drug” to better personal mental health. Here are 10 amazing statistics to show you how:
70% of employees would feel better about themselves if their boss were more grateful, and 81% would work harder.
Employees who experience more gratitude at work report fewer depressive symptoms and stress.
95% of employees agree that a grateful boss is more likely to be successful.
Regular gratitude journaling has been shown to result in 5% to 15% increases in optimism and 25% increased sleep quality.
Lack of gratitude is a major factor in driving job dissatisfaction, turnover, absenteeism, and burnout.
53% of employees would stay at their company longer if they felt more appreciation from their boss.
Gratitude reduces toxic aggression, frustration, and regret even after receiving negative feedback.
In a study of 800 descriptive trait words, “grateful” was rated in the top 4% in terms of likeability.
Over 90% of American teens and adults indicated that expressing gratitude made them “extremely happy” or “somewhat happy”.
A five-minute daily gratitude journal can increase long-term well-being by 10%.
What are you grateful for?


With colder months upon us, we want to remind everyone to set your and your clients up for success. Make sure your vehicle is road worthy for winter driving. Make sure your clients are dressed appropriately for the weahter. Make sure you have what you need to provide the best quality of service for your clients.

OPPO hosted our 1st Meet & Greet!

The Leadership Team was all there, we had awesome OPPO Swag, Refreshments and made some great connections. We will be hosting these once a quarter so keep an eye out for the next invite.

OPPO's Monthly Huddle Training OPPO has been providing job specific trainings during our monthly huddles. We are going to continue these trainings and wanted to get your suggestions for future training topics. November Training Topic -Confidentiality- If you have any topics that you would like training on please reach out to Bob 385-270-6559 help@theoppo.com

OPPO is Hiring!
We are now offering a $200 employee referral bonus. Please let your friends, family, neighbors and anyone else whom you believe would enjoy joining our team. Click here to apply

OPPO will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. We will re-open on Friday 11/26.

OPPO is excited to announce the launch of our new website. Staff will need to create a new login to gain acess to the Staff Resources. If you are having any issues with this process, please speak with your direct supervisor. www.theoppo.com

Out of Bounds is a new day program that OPPO has developed. The purpose is to allow us to provide a year round community based engagement for our clients. The program is localized in Utah County, spanning from Salem to Bluffdale. This program was put in place for higher functioning clients, the staff :client ratio will be kept small in order to allow staff to provide the best care and amazing experiences in the community. If you are interested or know someone who could benefit from this program, please reach out to Ashley Morgan. amorgan@theoppo.com

OPPO is now offering quarterly onsite CPR/First Aid/AED training through the American Red Cross. New employees are required to obtain these certifications within the first 90 days of employement. Renewals are due bi-anually (every 2 years). If you are unsure of your current certification status, please speak with your direct supervisor. If you would like to sign up for our next training, please reach out to Jeannette Garcia *this is not a drop in-class, there are prerequistes required prior to the onsite training. Speak with Jeannette for more information.

Effective September 1st, 2021 Due to the recent spike in Covid cases and limited hospital beds, ALL employees will be required to wear a face mask/shield while at our facility and/or working with clients. This is following the most current CDC recommendation and is mandatory for all employess, regardless of vaccination status.

OPPO's vision is to create safe, happy & healthy opportunities. We believe that personal choice is extremely important. With that in mind, we wanted to share information for those who wish to be vaccinated. Vaccine Spotter is a free website to help you locate the nearest facility where you can easily receive your covid-19 vaccine. We respect you, your wishes and your privacy on this topic. Please click on the link below to find the location nearest you. Vaccine Spotter


OPPO's Employee Assistance Program
Intermountain Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a support program that provides free, brief, confidential counseling; help with caregiver issues; and 24-hour crisis services. This program is available for you, your spouses or domestic partners and dependent children (under 26 years old). Supervisors can receive consultations about difficult employee situations, team building and workplace trainings.

Solutions we provide include, but are not limited to, the following:
Customized In-Home Care, including Home Health
Out Of Bounds
Host Home Services
Day Program
After School Program
Vocational Rehab
Summer Program - Starting June 2022
We're committed to the people we support. Have a question, call us at 385-270-6559and we'll work through the solution together.

Sarah joined OPPO in July of this year. To know Sarah, is to know an absolute angel. Sarah shows us each and every day her willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of those we serve. She is an absolute dream to work with. She communicates effectively, submits documentation on time, and regularly volunteers to cover shifts. Sarah is adored equally by our clients and our team.
Sarah is a rockstar not only at work but in her personal life as well. She is a college athlete, accomplished artist and has a deeply genuine passion for the population we serve.
Her calm and gentle demeanor allow those around her to feel safe and appreciated.

New mask policy effective September 1st, 2021. Let's continue to stay safe, smart, respectful and healthy.
Good hygiene includes washing your hands before and after touching people, food, and surfaces. Please keep it up!
Masks, gloves, and sanitizers are still available for employees. Click Here
Our company-wide, Monthly Team Huddle will be on the 3th @ 12pm & 15th @ 12pm (invitations sent to employees).
Employee Referral Bonus $200.00 after 90 days.
When you work a sub shift you get a $1 an hour differential pay. (see your direct supervisor for details).

Happy Birthday!
14th - Tylar (Ty) Olsen
28th - Ashley Morgan
Two Years!!
Michelle Berlin
Rachael Wamsley
Three Years!!!
Katherine Wells